Dog banned from Crufts over happy tail syndrome

Paul Pigott
BBC News
Three-year-old Dalmatian vizsla cross Gwen had her tail removed on welfare grounds

A dog owner says she is "gutted" after her prized pooch made the Welsh team for Crufts 2025, but was then was banned from the competition because part of her tail had been removed for medical reasons.

Dalmatian vizsla cross Gwen, three, has happy tail syndrome, which means she wagged her tail so vigorously it caused breaks and a wound that would not heal.

Her owner, nurse Sophie Scott-Thomas, 32, from Merthyr Tydfil, had Gwen's tail amputated on welfare grounds following advice from a veterinarian.

But the Kennel Club, which runs Crufts, said animal welfare rules mean even dogs with a "medically docked tail" cannot compete at events with admission fees.

"We were absolutely gutted, obviously there's so much work that goes into training," she told BBC Radio Wales Breakfast.

Cutting away part or all of the dog's tail or ears for cosmetic reasons is illegal in the UK, unless carried out by a vet for medical reasons.

Ms Scott-Thomas said the tail wagging started when Gwen was about one.

"She wagged her tail so vigorously if it hit anything it caused damage," she explained.

She broke two bones in her tail.

"Then she had a wound at the end of her tail that just wouldn't heal because she was continuously wagging so the wound just didn't have time to heal."

They tried bandages, she said, "but it was futile. Nothing would heal".

Sophie Scott-Thomas Sophie is kneeling beside Gwen and holding her up so that her two front paws are off the ground. Sophie is wearing a winter hat and coat and has long curly blonde hair. Gwen is all black with a white patch on her chest. She was long floppy ears and her shortened tail is visible. The pair are on a grassy hilltop overlooking a town Sophie Scott-Thomas
Sophie Scott-Thomas and Gwen, who would wag her tail so hard it would get injured

"We spent a long time back and forth to the vets until eventually she was in so much pain," she said.

"She'd cry, yelp… as soon as she made a fuss there'd be blood everywhere.

"The vet came to the conclusion that the best thing we could do for her welfare and quality of life would be to take the tail away."

That was when Gwen was two. Within a year she was taking top ribbons at dog shows in Wales, making the Welsh team set to compete at Crufts in Birmingham in March.

But then Ms Scott-Thomas got a call from the show saying Gwen could not compete because her tail was docked.

Sophie Scott-Thomas Gwen has black fur and long droopy ears. She has a white and green bandage on her partially amputated tailSophie Scott-Thomas
Because of the amputation she cannot enter Crufts

She argued that Gwen's tail was not docked, but legally amputated by a veterinarian.

She said she was told there are no exceptions under rules set out by Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

She has since started a petition asking for an exemption that would allow dogs like Gwen, whose tails have been amputated for medical reasons, to compete.

"They should be assessed as an individual rather than a blanket ban, which it is at the moment," she said.

The Kennel Club said: "We are aware of this situation, but in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006, a dog with a medically docked tail cannot be shown at events in England and Wales where the public pay admission fees.

Sophie Scott-Thomas Gwen in a competition. She is up on her hind legs and has what looks like a white dumbbell in her mouthSophie Scott-Thomas
Ms Scott-Thomas wants an exemption so dogs whose tails have been amputated on medical reasons can compete.

"A limited exemption applies to certified working dogs, with docked tails, demonstrating their working ability.

"Sadly there is no provision within the legislation for a dog which has had its tailed docked on medical grounds."

Defra said: "We are proud to have some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world.

"It is a criminal offence in England and Wales to dock a dog's tail unless an exemption applies, and those found breaking the law may be prosecuted.

"The ban relating to showing dogs aims to limit the popularity of tail docking for aesthetic reasons."