Structural repairs to begin next year on GP surgery

Shabina Asad Qayyum Exterior of the GP surgery- a bring building with a a white glass door and windows and overgrown weeds in front of it Shabina Asad Qayyum
The Parnwell medical centre shut in 2022 for repair works

A GP practice that closed in 2022 is to undergo a programme of structural repairs in the new year, according to staff.

The Parnwell medical centre in Saltersgate, Peterborough, which has 1,700 registered patients, shut temporarily in 2022, forcing patients to travel eight miles to see a doctor.

Dr Laliwala and Partners, who run the surgery, said the building was impacted by subsidence issues caused by tree roots, but they had to deal with anti-social behaviour and vandalism since the closure.

A spokesperson for the practice confirmed that work would start within the next six weeks and that patients would be kept informed of any updates.

In the meantime, patients have been asked to continue to make appointments with other surgeries, including Ailsworth Medical Centre and Newborough, with some facing travel costs of £40.

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Intergrated Care Board (ICB) said they understood the closure of Parnwell Medical Centre was frustrating for patients.

'A basic right'

Dr Laliwala and Partners said it has been an "ongoing struggle" and the contractors have faced a backlog - which impacted the repairs to the surgery.

"We recently had a meeting at the surgery with the contract surveyors to assess what work needs to be done," a spokesperson said.

"We were advised on 30 October that the work should start on the building in six weeks and it should take around the same amount of time to complete."

Dr Shabina Asad Qayyum, an East ward councillor and a GP, previously described the closure as "unacceptable and ludicrous".

Dr Qayyum, fellow councillor Samantha Hemraj, and the Peterborough MP Andrew Pakes, who have together been calling for the surgery to reopen, have "welcomed" the announcement.

"We will continue to scrutinise the steps that take place in ensuring adequate provision of general practice services for our local population and ward until we see the surgery reopened and functioning," Dr Qayyum said.

"Access to GP and pharmaceutical services should never be treated as a second thought, but as a basic right.

"We are completely on the side of our residents on this matter."

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