Estate operators 'turn a corner' in financial fight

Giancarlo Rinaldi
BBC Scotland news
Philip Halling A large sandstone building with grass lawns and flowers in front and a flagpole flying the Union JackPhilip Halling
The Crichton Trust operates the large estate of the same name in Dumfries

The operators of a south of Scotland estate say they believe they have turned a corner after a period of "significant financial strain".

Dumfries and Galloway Council (DGC) agreed this week to the creation of an ad hoc sub committee to monitor progress in the economic recovery of the Crichton Trust.

It comes after the local authority agreed to allow the organisation a loan repayment holiday.

Gwilym Gibbons, chief executive of the trust, welcomed the move and said it would "strengthen the partnership" with the council.

DGC agreed to the "remodelling" of loan repayments earlier this year but it met on Tuesday to discuss creating a group to check on the financial recovery plan put in place.

It was agreed that an ad hoc sub committee would be created in order to do so.

The amount owed was not revealed.

The Crichton Estate in Dumfries dates back to the Victorian age when an "Institution for Lunatics" was founded on the site.

Health services continued to be provided until the 1980s when the NHS declared it surplus to requirements.

It was bought by DGC to save it for the community.

It is now leased to the Crichton Trust and a range of universities, colleges and businesses have taken up residence.

The charity's most recent published accounts showed that venues and hospitality revenue had recovered to close to pre-pandemic levels - just short of £1m.

However, energy costs had almost doubled from about £400,000 to nearly £800,000.

The accounts also highlighted the loss of a number of larger "anchor tenants".

But it said the trust had moved towards a larger number of smaller ones with a target of balancing its budget from 2025 onwards.

A man with greying hair and a bear in a blue jumper with a green shirt underneath
Gwilym Gibbons said the Crichton Trust was emerging from a "difficult period"

Mr Gibbons said the charity had gone through a "period of change".

He added: "We are delighted that the Crichton today is home to over 160 and growing businesses and organisations, the largest number in our 25-year history.

"Easterbrook Hall is also enjoying a renewed interest as a busy regional venue, attracting acts and activity which now exceeds pre-pandemic levels with an amazing recovery since the unprecedented two years of closure."

He described The Crichton as "an important part of the economic infrastructure of our region" and said it contributed £123m per year to the south of Scotland economy.

Mr Gibbons added: "The support and help from our partners to remodel loan repayments has helped the trust turn a corner as we continue to grow our way out of a difficult period and secure and build on our role as an important anchor organisation of the local economy."