Search dogs unsuccessful in finding missing teen

A charity has completed its search for a teenager who has been missing from the Isle of Lewis for more than two months.
Aleksandr Benga, 16, was last seen near a water wheel in the grounds of Stornoway's Lews Castle on the morning of 18 November.
Specialist Search Dogs carried out searches around Stornoway at the weekend.
Volunteers running a local appeal to find Aleksandr said the charity had been unsuccessful in finding the teenager, but it had helped to narrow the search area.
The volunteers said work would continue to find Aleksandr.
Previous searches have involved police, divers, coastguard teams and mountain rescue volunteers.
The effort to find Aleksandr has included checks of outbuildings, including sheilings - which are small shelters crofters used in summer while tending livestock - in case he had sought shelter from cold weather.
On 25 November, police stopped drivers in Stornoway to ask if they had seen the teenager.
Aleksandr is described as 6ft 2ins tall, of slim build with short brown hair.
When last seen, he was wearing a beige jumper and black jeans. He may also have had a red jacket and a yellow beanie hat.