Attackers left woman afraid to leave her house

A woman was left too afraid to leave her house after two attackers assaulted her and her partner, a court heard.
Dillon Harrison, 30, and Stuart Taggart, 22, set about the couple as they walked past a group of people outside a house in Sunderland, Newcastle Crown Court heard.
The woman required hospital treatment for major cuts and bruising to her face, the court heard.
Harrison and Taggart both admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and were given suspended prison sentences.
The couple were punched and kicked by Harrison and Taggart on 17 February 2024, with the woman left with a 7in (17cm) laceration across her nose and face, prosecutor Kevin Wardlaw said.
The man sustained bruising to his head and face.
In a statement read to the court, the woman said the attack had left her afraid to leave her house having exacerbated her existing anxiety and mental health issues.
'Deeply unpleasant injuries'
Harrison had 16 convictions for almost 30 offences including violence and dishonesty while Taggart, of Thornedale Road in Thorney Close, Sunderland, was of previous good character, the court heard.
Harrison, of Wansbeck View Bay Caravan Park in Ashington, was jailed for one year and eight months suspended for 21 months with 150 hours unpaid work.
Taggart, who the court heard was unfit to do unpaid work after being seriously injured falling off a ladder while working as a window cleaner, was jailed for one year and five months suspended for 21 months.
Judge Gavin Doig said the pair caused "deeply unpleasant injuries" to the woman.
He warned the pair he had "given them a chance" but if they breached the order or committed any further offences he would be "locking [them] up".