The medieval battle that 'changed the course of history'

George King
BBC News, Suffolk
Reporting fromFornham All Saints, Suffolk
George King/BBC Dr Michael Walker staring in the camera against a blurred backdrop. He wearing glasses and smiling.George King/BBC
Former headteacher-turned historian Dr Michael Walker is an expert in all things the Battle of Fornham

From Game Of Thrones and Merlin to Lord Of The Rings and Vikings, epic, bloody battle sequences have become a staple part of our television diet.

But how much do we actually know about some of the historical, ferocious fights that took place on our very doorsteps in Suffolk, hundreds and hundreds of years ago?

The Battle of Fornham, for example, was fought on land now home to the All Saints Hotel and its accompanying golf course near Bury St Edmunds.

Historians describe the conflict as being "massively underrated" yet "the biggest medieval battle in England". So, what exactly happened, who were the main players, and did it change the course of history?

What was the Battle of Fornham and why was it important?

The Battle of Fornham occurred on 17 October 1173 and engulfed a large plot of land surrounded by Fornham All Saints, Fornham Saint Martin, and Fornham St. Genevieve.

It was fought about 1.8 miles (3km) to the north of Bury St Edmunds, not far from the church of St. Genevieve, on the eastern side of the River Lark.

The conflict in Fornham was actually one of three major fights - including the Battle of Dol and the Battle of Alnwick - to play out during the Great Revolt, a rebellion against King Henry II, who ruled England from 1154 until his death in 1189.

The King of France Louis VII, had grown increasingly concerned with the King of England's "expanding authority" and decided to take action to overthrow him - but he failed.

Former headteacher-turned-historian, Dr Michael Walker, said: "It was probably the most important [battle of three] because Henry II secured control back of his throne.

"With most medieval battles, we do not know exactly where they happened and who was there, but we do with Fornham.

"We also know that in the later 12th century tactics were changing and there is evidence at Fornham that the supremacy of an initial charge by knights was starting to happen.

"And this was one of the earliest battles where this occurred. Probably the big turning point, in fact, in the Great Revolt being won by Henry II's royalist forces."

Getty Images A cartoonish image of King Henry II. He is wearing a crown and holding a staff.Getty Images
The battle saw supporters of King Henry II (pictured) fight against thousands of mercenaries led by Robert III Beaumont

What was the catalyst for the revolt and subsequent battle?

The uprising was orchestrated by three of King Henry II's sons - one of which he had actually crowned king long before his death in an unprecedented move to ensure his succession - and their followers.

They had been encouraged to rise up by France's King Louis VII, who wanted to break up and disrupt King Henry II's Angevin Empire by making his sons the overlords of the Angevin territories in France.

"The boy's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, also joined in and, when the revolt started, went back to her former husband, the King of France Louis VII, to fight on his side," added Dr Walker.

"His own family were really difficult people to control and manage. Henry once had the young King Henry sleeping in his own bedchamber to try and stop him running away and to keep tabs on him."

The in-fighting, internal family politics, and betrayal were also not lost on Ian Wilson, from the Suffolk branch of the Battlefields Trust.

He said: "The entire family makes the whole Succession series on television look tame. If you think TV is weird... well, this is a really interesting group."

In addition to his own family turning against him, King Henry II also upset several earls, who rebelled after he tried to centralise government and introduce the Common Law.

Three years before, meanwhile, in 1170, he had ordered the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Beckkett, which did not go down well with the church.

Who were the battle's key figures?

While the conflict may have been borne out of an uprising against King Henry II, he was not actually present at the battle himself - he was in Normandy, in France.

Instead, his army - comprising of less than 3,000 troops but more than 300 knights - was led by the commander-in-chief of the royalist forces, Richard de Lucy.

Described as being loyal and compassionate, de Lucy was on the side of King Henry II, who was fighting to defend his territories and his rule of England.

He is said to have "responded exceptionally" to the invasion of Suffolk - with his victory in the county being his "greatest achievement".

The opposition, meanwhile, was thrust into battle by the Earl of Leicester, Robert III Beaumont, who oversaw more than 3,000 men, but only 80 knights - a significant factor that proved decisive.

Considered "immature and corrupting of others", Beaumont was fighting on behalf of King Louis VII, as well as King Henry II's own sons.

He is said to have deliberately sabotaged King Henry's previous attempt to make peace, swearing at him before eventually attempting to draw his sword.

After losing the battle, Beaumont was imprisoned, and King Henry claimed his land and destroyed the majority of his castles.

George King/BBC Dr Michael Walker staring in the camera while holding a book on which there is the title A Hard and Grievous Battle. He wearing glasses and smiling. Hotel rooms and wooden fencing can be seen in the background. George King/BBC
Dr Walker has published a book called A Hard and Grievous Battle, which is all about the ferocious fight in Fornham

How did the battle end?

According to Dr Walker, de Lucy's army and his greater number of skilled knights were far too strong for the Earl of Leicester's forces, which ultimately proved the difference.

Many of his troops were "finished off mercilessly", after becoming trapped in marshy ground near to the River Lark.

"Between 3,000 to 5,000 mercenaries were literally slaughtered along the river and just left to rot where they lay," added Dr Walker, who is the author of A Hard and Grievous Battle, a book about the ferocious fight in Fornham.

"So, under the soil are the skeletons of all these people who did not get to see their homeland again."

Did it change the course of history?

Duncan McAndrew Battlefields Trust A rusted sword resting sideways against a white backdropDuncan McAndrew Battlefields Trust
A sword found at the site of the battle by archaeologist Henry Trigg

Despite believing The Battle of Fornham is "massively underrated as a really important battle", Dr Walker is adamant it is likely "the biggest medieval battle in England".

And, therefore, suggests its outcome most definitely has had a lasting impact.

"Yes, it probably did change the course of history because had Leicester had succeeded, King Henry might have lost the throne and the course of history would have been very different," he told the BBC.

"And what the chroniclers say is that after the battle, the heart went out of the rebel armies - they didn't see how they could win now.

"It absolutely secured England for King Henry."

Did the socio-economic make-up of Bury St Edmunds help the royalists win the battle?

It "helped enormously", according to Dr Walker.

He said: "Bury St Edmunds was a massive shrine at the time to Saint Edmund, and people in this area wanted to protect the memory of Saint Edmund and protect the abbey.

"Suffolk was also very, very wealthy, one of the wealthiest counties in England, and it was a weaving community.

"So, the Flemish weavers who were amongst the mercenaries were hated and resented - 'they're coming here to take our jobs', that sort of idea.

"So, there are lots of reasons why the local people would join a foot-soldier levy against an invading army."

What discoveries have been made at the battlefield site?

In the centuries that followed the so-called "bloody rout", many artefacts have been uncovered - some remarkable, others gruesome.

These included two medieval swords, a find Dr Walker said was "really significant", and bones from some of the fallen soldiers.

"The artefacts preserved were in an anaerobic environment in the mud," he added.

"So, we have a dagger, arrowheads, cooking pots and Henry II pennies from the ridge where we think the royalist army camped - all of that is very significant.

"Beyond that, we actually have skeletons and skulls, which were found on the field."

George King/BBC A close up show of one of the new Battle of Fornham information boards that have been installed at the All Saints Hotel. It features a lot of text, images of troops on horseback, a map of the battle site. George King/BBC
Information boards have been installed at the All Saints Hotel in a bid to make more people aware of the significance of the Battle of Fornham

Why is the Battle of Fornham back in the spotlight?

While the Battle of Fornham's 850th anniversary was commemorated in 2023, two new information boards have been installed and unveiled at the All Saints Hotel.

It was hoped the new educational wooden plaques would encourage more people to learn about the battle, which some consider to have been "overlooked" and "forgotten", and come to appreciate its historical significance.

Joshua Harris, who owns the hotel, said he was "delighted" to have been able to work alongside the Battlefields Trust and West Suffolk Council to bring the battle back into the spotlight.

"It is important to understand and appreciate the history of the local area, and we are pleased to be able to share this with visitors to the golf course and hotel," he added.

David Austin, national operations director of the Battlefields Trust, is also "very pleased".

"This battle was one of the biggest to ever take place in East Anglia and it is very good to see that it is now achieving the recognition that it deserves," he said.

LISTEN: The Battle of Fornham: Suffolk's forgotten battle

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