Health partnership needs to save more than £14m

Aberdeen's Health and Social Care Partnership has said it needs to make savings of more than £14m in this year's budget.
The health partnership had an overspend of nearly £17m last year.
The Integration Joint Board (IJB), which oversees the organisation, has requested almost £11m in funding from the city council and NHS Grampian in a bid to help bridge the gap.
To address the budget pressures, the IJB plans to charge more for services such as day care and sheltered housing wardens.
The IJB said its financial challenges have included pay inflation.
It is looking to save millions of pounds in staffing costs by using fewer bank nurses, redesigning roles where appropriate, and considering if a post needs to be replaced when someone leaves.
Several property savings are also likely to be made, including a reduction on work spaces and reducing gas utility costs.
The IJB will set its budget next week.