Quantum mechanics2 days agoThe bizarre quantum paradox of 'negative time'Cause is usually followed by effect, but in the quantum world, time's sequencing is not so straightforward.2 days agoFuture14 Nov 2023The dangers of travelling through timeThe mishaps caused by time travellers exploring the past are a staple of science fiction. But what does physics think?14 Nov 2023Future18 Nov 2014Big bets on quantum computersGoogle, Nasa and Lockheed Martin have all backed an experimental machine that could transform computing. But what do they want it for?18 Nov 2014Future20 Sep 2013How cold is space really?This isn’t an idle question, if you’re thinking of sending spacecraft and people up there. Or if you want to test fundamental theories in quantum physics.20 Sep 2013Future16 Jul 2013Will we ever create a black hole?Fears that the Large Hadron Collider could destroy the world may be unfounded, but if we really wanted to make a black hole, could we actually do it?16 Jul 2013Future25 Jan 2013Will we ever get quantum theory?If the baffling behaviour of subatomic particles leaves you scratching your head with confusion, don’t worry. Physicists don’t really comprehend it either.25 Jan 2013Future3 Oct 2012Can we travel faster than light?Einstein said it is impossible, but some scientists are still trying to break the cosmic speed limit – even if it means bending the laws of physics.3 Oct 2012Future29 Mar 2012Can the laws of physics change?Scientists have used GPS to find variations in a constant that is at the heart of quantum physics.29 Mar 2012Future