Future Education18 Nov 2014What Africa can learn from phonesUnited Nation’s mobile learning specialist Steve Vosloo argues phones could be the future of education on the continent.18 Nov 2014Future18 Nov 2014Can schools survive the web age?A growing number of online universities are redefining education. But what will that mean for traditional institutions?18 Nov 2014Future28 Mar 2014Can tech kill off the exam?We have the technology to get rid of final exams and assess students differently, says Colin Barras, but are we ready yet?28 Mar 2014Future21 Mar 2014How to learn fast: Use your bodyWaving your arms, wriggling your fingers and striding around a room can help you learn faster, says Colin Barras. How does it work?21 Mar 2014Future14 Mar 2014Can you learn to be creative?Is creativity magical? Not according to those now teaching it as a skill, discovers Colin Barras. Are there really secrets to unlocking your imagination?14 Mar 2014Future7 Mar 2014How to learn like a memory champCompanies are creating learning aids that tap the science of memories, says David Robson. Do they work in the classroom?7 Mar 2014Future31 Oct 2013Net lessons for world’s poorestWithout internet access, the poorest risk being left behind in the online education revolution. But one project is trying to change all that.31 Oct 2013Future30 Oct 2013Secret code to faster learningWhen students learn online, every mouse click is tracked. Harness this wealth of data and we can create the ultimate in personalised lessons.30 Oct 2013Future23 Oct 2013How to make kids learn fasterSome schools are pumping music, noises and fragrances into the classroom to see if it improves exam results – could it work?23 Oct 2013Future...